A nOvel accessibLe and wIdespread healthcare service Model based on technology innovation for objective (early) diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of Parkinson’s disease promoting contInuity of cAre – OLIMPIA.
A nOvel accessibLe and wIdespread healthcare service Model based on technology innovation for objective (early) diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of Parkinson’s disease promoting contInuity of cAre – OLIMPIA.
A nOvel accessibLe and wIdespread healthcare service Model based on technology innovation for objective (early) diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of Parkinson’s disease promoting contInuity of cAre – OLIMPIA.
The basic idea of the OLIMPIA Project is to develop a novel patient-centred healthcare model aiming to properly manage Parkinson’s disease patients defining new assistance paths through the use of Day Service, which can help to access diagnostic and therapeutic path and to promote the continuity of care.
The OLIMPIA Project is built as follow-up of previous DAPHNE project (Regione Toscana FAS SALUTE 2014, CUP J52I16000170002), where bracelet and ring shaped wearable sensor systems were developed for objective diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease patients and experimented on more than 300 subjects in collaboration with an Italian network of neurology created within the project.
This project was funded by the Tuscany Region – Call for Health Research 2018, CUP n. J44I20000760009
The OLIMPIA Project is developed into 6 operational objectives which comprise management activities, the definition of requirements and guidelines, the development of the infrastructure of the care system, the artificial intelligence algorithms, clinical trial and impact assessments.
At the conclusion of the various activities, according to the project timeline, the related deliverables are produced which describe what has been done and the results obtained.